Friday, 8 January 2016

Why I'm Doing This!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Well it's going to be a big adventure of course, and there'll be some fun on the way, I'm sure.  But there will also be wet and windy days, and long days with cruel hills - and sometimes all of them together.

And I may just be crazy enough to do it anyway, BUT the official reason is to raise £20,000 for Cancer Research UK.  And over the weekend the figure raised went above the £3,000 mark - Hurray!! - but still nearly £17,000 to go, and I'm hoping that those who take an interest in the ride will also remember how important cancer research is, and make a donation via or

Whether it's £5 or £500 (no lower or upper limits!) it will all help. It will help people NOW. It will help people in the future. It may even help YOU sometime.

So please consider helping financially.  But there is something else you can do if you really want to help.  You are reading this on a computer or smartphone, I presume, and on there you'll have a list of contacts of those who you email from time to time.  Would you cut and paste the text below, and send it out to your contacts?  It's a bit like a chain letter, only it's harmless and although none of the recipients stand to gain financially (they won't be disappointed either!) - they may get the satisfaction of having done something that WILL make a difference:-

On 10th May Bill Honeywell from Clitheroe is setting off on an epic bike ride around the coast of Britain. Bill is hoping to raise £20,000 or more for Cancer Research UK so that they may continue to fight cancer, a condition that may touch us all in some way.

"Starting 10th May this year, following my 2009 sponsored walk of all 214 'Wainwrights' in the Lake District in only 55 days, I'll be cycling over 4,300 miles around the coast of Great Britain in aid of Cancer Research UK. Details of progress and lots of anecdotes will hopefully appear on this blog. You can also follow me on Twitter - @CancerBikeMan. Cancer Research UK is the world's leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research. To make a donation, click here:, or to donate via the JustGiving site go to Thank you - together we WILL beat cancer!"

Please do this, not for me, but for Cancer Research UK. I'm going to be enjoying myself. Getting wet. And knackered. And going quietly mad pedalling, pedalling .....Bill would REALLY like to make all the miles count - so please will you donate generously, and just as importantly, copy this email to the people on your contacts list, and ask them to do likewise, to spread the word and do something positive to help fight cancer.
Thank you. Don't worry about me, I'll be out there enjoying myself. Getting wet. And knackered. And pedalling, pedalling......

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